Author & Guarantor
He is responsible for TopCasinoExpert content management. Evgeniy takes care of the content on the website, making sure you get all the information on time, publishing reviews, blogs and other interesting articles.

Digital Marketing
Finding us on the internet has never been easier, thanks to this guy. He is a digital marketing person who has a broad knowledge, especially in the field of Search Engine Optimization. Building a brand from scratch is his passion.

Content marketing
Content marketing has been his obsession for many years until he became an expert in this field. He is delivering compelling articles from the casino world. Social Media management is also his duty.

Technical support department
A lot of things you see on the website have been created by Alexandr. He is our developer, doing amazing technical things so you can have the best user experience while surfing through our website. Alexandr is the main reason why we have zero bugs on the website.

Denis has to make sure developers are doing the right things every day. After publishing articles on the website, he becomes a developer, contributing to the team so the visitors can visit our site without any bugs.